Do you like elephants? Always mystify, mislead, and surprise the enemy, if possible - Vol 9
Vol 9
In the previous newsletter for Vol 8, I introduced my future home the Cook Islands. The origins of the people and its similarities with other islands of the pacific. I will return to the second newsletter in that series in the next edition. I have decided to alternate every second Cook Islands-based newsletter with an analysis of a famous military battle or campaign and how we can take those lessons and apply them to our daily lives or business decisions.
“Always mystify, mislead, and surprise the enemy, if possible;
Sun Tzu
You might be familiar with the above quote from The Art of War by Sun Tzu that was created around the 5th century BC. The book contains a series of strategies and information in relation to military tactics. Widely followed by business leaders and sportspeople it still holds value 1500 years later. Even though Sun Tzu was of Chinese origin I would like to take the same quote and apply it to another historical period. The same lessons and values from China and the period I’m about to discuss can be implemented in modern society and hopefully inspire you to greater heights.
Do you like elephants? Do you wonder how big they are? How far can they walk?
The size of these creatures and their durability are quite astounding. They seem enormous to the eye and can carry anything. These giant animals are famed for having the largest brain of all land mammals and an unbelievable memory. Known for remembering waterholes over vast distances, other elephants, and some claim humans they encountered long ago. There are a number of different kinds of elephants but the two prominent ones are the Indian and the bigger African version. The African version can be 2.5 to 4 meters from shoulder to toe and weigh between 2,268 to 6,350 kilograms. In other words, they are massive.
You might be wondering why I’m asking about elephants and their abilities.
There were three wars called the Punic wars from 264 BC to 146 BC between the rising Roman Republic and the major power that controlled Sicily and Northern Africa called Carthage. In order to expand they had to challenge powers such as Carthage. From history books, we always hear about the Roman empire but not as much about this place called Carthage. Carthage was located in modern-day Tunis, Tunisia. In fact, you can go there today, and about 10-20kms outside the capital Tunis you can see what remains even after the final destruction by the Romans in 146 BC. At the time its fleets dominated the trade routes of the Mediterranean and its people were brilliant producers of pottery, silk, and textiles. Inevitably as the Romans grew in power the Carthaginians had to be challenged and possibly removed. Unfortunately, for the Romans, their strength initially lay in army and military precision while Carthage had a powerful fleet thus negating the Romans from transporting this army around the Mediterranean and engaging the Carthaginians.
The two giants clashed for over twenty years with the Romans finally gaining victories and territory during the first Punic war of 264 BC to 241 BC and seizing naval control of the Mediterranean. Signaling the arrival of a major threat to Carthage.
The first Punic war resulted in defeat to Carthage but the second war goes down in history for its sheer audacity from the Carthaginians and its leader Hannibal. The initial period is something I will be discussing today and hopefully, the message can be used in daily life, the business world, or any aspect you like.
“Always mystify, mislead, and surprise the enemy, if possible;
Sun Tzu
After defeat to the Romans in the first Punic war which ended in 241 BC. The Carthaginians harbored ambitions of revenge and taking on the Romans once again. In the twenty-odd years prior to 218 BC, the Romans were busy trying to expand to the north of present-day Italy and also putting down various uprisings across their domains. This recipe proved optimal for the Carthaginians under Hannibal to make a move. Preparations began to first launch an attack on Roman strongholds in Spain while at the same time organizing an army for a different purpose. The other reason defied logic and many said was complete madness. Hannibal instead of sailing across to Rome and risking destruction at sea decided to take his army on a route the Romans would never expect. He would take them from Cartegena in modern-day Spain and over the Alps and enter Rome from the north using a plan that was in development for eight years.
This has been the topic of countless books, movies, and television shows as it really was a feat to behold. Taking 38,000 infantry, 8,000 cavalry, and 37 African battle elephants their plan was as Sun Tzu wrote over one thousand years later to “mystify, mislead, and surprise” the Romans by taking the battle to the heart of the republic. Taking an army up and down the snow-covered Alps on small tracks is one thing. But taking over 8,000 horses and 37 elephants that have no idea what snow or cold is. That’s something else!
The Romans believed something was imminent but could not believe reports two weeks later that an army was inside the Roman heartland. Hannibal and his army suffered greatly on the journey. Losing over half the army they arrived with only 20,000 infantry and 6,000 horses. Reports claim that only one elephant survived the journey but this is not certain as some historical reports state that a number were used in the first battle with the Romans in 2018 BC. Many men and animals were lost on the narrow mountain passes through sheer cold and starvation or falling off the narrow tracks. Hannibal even lost eyesight in one eye. However, the goal had been achieved. By mystifying, misleading, and surprising the enemy Hannibal had arrived. He spent the next fifteen years in what is now Italy notching up victory after victory. He even tried to bring more elephants across the Alps but with little success until 207 BC when his brother Hasdubal brought an army of 30,000 men and 10 elephants but they were intercepted by the Romans and destroyed. The Romans after a number of defeats also decided to use the idea of “mystify, mislead, and surprise” by not engaging the Carthaginians as was expected. Thereby, using the tactics of Hannibal against him. The Romans eventually took the war to Carthaginian lands while Hannibal was in the Roman heartland. In 203 BC Hannibal was forced to relocate with no support from Carthage to modern-day Tunisia and was finally defeated at Zama in October 202 BC. In this battle he used 80 war elephants.
The feat of taking elephants and crossing the Alps and is still remembered today. How can we take this famous event and“Always mystify, mislead, and surprise the enemy, if possible” in our modern lives or business areas?
It’s my impression that this idea is clearly expressed in the online world. These days its almost impossible to avoid social media and interaction online. Looking through Social media there seems to be this version of the perfect life demonstrated. Every photo, meal, and post is perfect. These are examples of mystifying and misleading potential followers. Whether intentionally or by accident its a highly effective way of gaining more followers but can also be detrimental to a person’s mental state trying to always attain this imperfect ideal.
We can also use “Always mystify, mislead, and surprise the enemy, if possible” in the business world. During negotiations, a person never reveals their final price or aim. They usually start at a different price or mislead the opposing party to their true aims. It’s a highly effective strategy that will never disappear. Keeping the opposition thinking one way is your stated aim and actually, another way is the real goal will prove valuable in business life.
In negotiations between international parties the ability to “Always mystify, mislead, and surprise the enemy, if possible” is of utmost importance to security and seizing goals. Negotiating teams have a list of aims to achieve but can surprise with alternate offers that benefit the opposite team. They can mystify opposing teams by introducing additional requests. Sometimes successful sometimes not. However, the element of “Always mystify, mislead, and surprise the enemy, if possible” keeps others on their toes or provides additional opportunities and rewards.
In the sports world, some successful teams achieve the highest rewards by “Always mystify, mislead, and surprise the enemy, if possible.” Rival teams expected a certain gameplan and turned up on the day of the event totally surprised and mislead as the other team changed tactics or players.
The same idea that worked over two thousand years ago in the Alps and stated later by Sun Tzu still holds true today. The key seems to never be predictable, always change things up, mystify and surprise others and yourself even in small doses daily. See if you can utilize “Always mystify, mislead, and surprise the enemy, if possible” in different aspects of life and try to make it effective.
Oh and next time you see an elephant try to imagine it crossing the snow-covered Alps.
In the next edition, I will return to my series on the Cook Islands and look at food, culture, different islands, mythology, and customs.
This week’s recommendations
1) The Punic wars: Very informative summary on the Punic Wars.
2) This short video describes some of the problems the army encountered on their journey.
3) If you have never read The Art of War feel free to listen.
Feel free to engage in the conversation below
1) Any questions regarding the crossing of the Alps.
2) Any examples in history of “Always mystify, mislead, and surprise the enemy, if possible.”
3) How can we use this idea of “Always mystify, mislead, and surprise the enemy, if possible” in daily life?
“Feed your focus, starve your distractions.”