"I shall either find a way or make one" - Vol 18 part II
Vol 18 - This week we will conclude a 2 part series on the Battle of Cannae 216 BC. How can we take these lessons and use them in daily life and business.
안녕하세요, Kia Orana, Welcome
In my newsletter for Vol 18 part I, I discussed the background, setting, and main characters leading up to the Battle of Cannae 216 BC. This was a pivotal engagement in the ancient world that would decide who would be the ultimate ruler for centuries to come. This week I will look at the epic battle. What can we learn from this historical event? How can we take those lessons and apply them to our daily lives or business decisions?
"Aut inveniam viam aut faciam"
“I shall either find a way or make one”
This quote represents the mindset of Hannibal well.
A general questioned his plan to cross the Alps with elephants and this was his response. Nothing seemed to stop him. I will use this quote in relation to the Battle of Cannae 216 BC, and how we can use it in business and daily life.
Hannibal - (247 to between 183 and 181 BC) was the famed leader of the Carthaginian army and regarded as one of the greatest generals in history. Born in modern-day Tunisia. His father Hamilcar Barca was a legendary leader and swore his life to the destruction of Rome. There are tales of a nine-year-old Hannibal swearing to the destruction of Rome and wanting to fight. These many tales enhanced his reputation as a determined leader. He became the leader of the military at 26 years of age. Many people know Hannibal’s epic feat of crossing the Alps with an army and elephants to take on the Romans at home. He lost an eye on this journey and his appearance only enhanced his reputation amongst his troops and enemies.
Lucius Aemilius Paullus - Consul of Rome in 2019 BC and 2016 BC. Known as very patient, measured, unwilling to engage Hannibal in a head-to-head battle.
Gaius Terentius Varro - Son of a butcher and a populist. Very skilled and prone to impulsive displays. His ability to rise from the lower classes to Consul of Rome is in itself an amazing feat. However, he is more well known for his sharing of leadership with Consul Lucius Aemilius Paullus against Hannibal.
Hasdrubal - A cavalry commander in the Carthaginian army.
After successive losses, the Romans sent a massive army of 86,000 under the command of 2 Consuls. Consul Lucius Aemilius Paullus and Gaius Terentius Varro. The Roman plan was to alternate leadership between these two men. One day Paullus would be in charge and next it would be Varro. This proved confusing and critical to the outcome as Paullus was patient, measured, and unwilling to engage Hannibal. However, Varro was impatient and willing to engage Hannibal anytime and anywhere. His desire for glory knew no bounds. This situation played brilliantly into Hannibal’s hands. Aware of this information about the leadership structure and personalities, Hannibal would attack the Romans on days when Varro was in charge aware of the knowledge that Varro would pursue and keep attacking. He knew Paullus was more cautious and wouldn’t engage. This continued for a number of days leading to the main battle.
It must have been a sight to see on the morning of August 2nd 216 BC. The Carthaginians lined up 45,000 - 50,000 troops in an arrowhead formation with 40,000 men in the center and the edges were guarded with outstanding Spanish and African cavalry. Hannibal placed himself in the center. He planned to gradually lead his men in a slow and organized retreat. He also had positioned his forces so that the Romans were looking into the sun and facing a wind that sent dust straight towards them thereby obscuring their vision. It seemed that he considered every aspect of warfare. However, ahead were 86,000 Romans in three dense lines that looked like a wall. It truly must have been a frightening scene.
Image - Battle of Cannae
Even the Carthaginian leadership that trusted Hannibal over the Alps and defeated several Roman armies doubted this day and raised issues with Hannibal. However, due to his planning, he never faulted and knew today the impulsive and glory-hungry Varro was in charge of the Roman army. He would play to the weakness of Varro.
Rather than wait for Hannibal to come to them Varro pressed the patient Consul Paullus to attack. Reluctantly, he agreed to press the army forward.
Immediately the two calvaries engaged on both wings in a vicious battle to gain ascendency. The Carthaginian plan was to destroy one side and simply hold the other. By doing this they could swing behind the Romans and cut them off. On the Spanish or left-wing led by General Hasdrubal, no quarter was given as these horsemen were told if they didn’t break through every single one of them would die at the hands of this Roman army. The fighting was brutal. After breaking the Roman cavalry on the left they switched to the other side and helped chase the Romans away. As this occurred the giant Roman machine marched forward. Hannibal placed his weakest soldiers in the middle aware that they would not hold this giant machine back. His stronger more experienced troops were at the back ready to step up and hold the Romans. Consul Varro ordered his men forward just as Hannibal had predicted. The Roman army smashed so far forward now the formations had changed and the Carthaginians were now in a convex shape. The Romans believed they had them on the ropes and victory was imminent.
Image - Battle of Cannae
The fighting was hand to hand and absolutely brutal. Javelins, rocks, and spears were flying everywhere. The chaos and noise must have been frightening. The Carthaginians aim was to hold this line while the masterstroke was implemented. The cavalry now swung from both sides to close the trap. The door was shut and now the Romans were trapped on all sides. Not only were they surrounded but also lost all formation and were restricted in movement. Those that are familiar with a scene from the show Game of Thrones can picture the scenes. I wonder if that’s where they got the inspiration as men were crushed together in battle.
Some estimates put the figure of 600 Romans cut down every minute as the circle grew tighter. Everywhere they turned they were attacked on all sides. The only respite was the onset of darkness. The Romans lost an estimated 48,200 which is a crazy number considering this was done by hand. 19,000 were captured. This is one of the greatest defeats in Roman history and a blueprint for military commanders today.
In 20 months the Romans had lost 150,000 troops and morale was destroyed. Hannibal would remain on the peninsula for 15 years but due to Roman resilience could not finish them off.
Image - Location of Cannae
"Aut inveniam viam aut faciam"
“I shall either find a way or make one”
This event occurred more than 2,000 years ago. However, we can take many important lessons.
The above quote is perfect for daily life or business life. Sometimes a problem seems impossible to solve. We need to think outside of the box and either find a way or make one.
Knowledge is power.
One of the keys to success in this battle was information. Hannibal knew the power structure of the Romans and also knew the characteristics of the leaders. He was able to use this information and force the Romans to attack when and where he wanted. In modern society, knowledge is everywhere. Utilize it and harness it in daily life and business.
Finish off your enemy.
This can be demonstrated in two ways.
One, Hannibal had absolutely destroyed the Roman armies laying a platform for success.
Two, the major problem was he also couldn’t take the capital and finish them off. Over a 15 year period, he was stuck in Italy and eventually was defeated in Northern Africa.
In daily life and business always finish off your opponent, assignment, task, etc. You never know how it will come back to haunt you.
In the next edition, I will release a Korean newsletter.
This week’s recommendations
Feel free to engage in the conversation below
1) Are you familiar with this battle?
“Feed your focus, starve your distractions.”