Like many people in their youth the access to and consumption of alcohol was a way of life. A means to unwind, socialize, expand thoughts and ideas. On my arrival to South Korea drinking took on a different aspect and challenge. I recall drinking in South Korea 6-7 nights a week for about 6 months. This wasn’t your have a few drinks and head home kind of drinking. It usually involved a 9pm start and 8am finish. Great times and great memories.
Similar to the previous newsletter, I will continue to look at a series of articles I wrote in 2012 - 2013 about South Korea, this week we will look at my memories of drinking in South Korea.
Here is a selection from the article
People around the world have a fascination with alcohol. It is used as a stimulant, social enhancer or even to use for cooking purposes. Back in New Zealand, alcohol has become a way of life. Of course there are the positive and negative aspects but it seems to endure time, culture, and people. In Korea alcohol is a way of life! It is not uncommon from University age for students to get absolutely blasted by their seniors as they are forced to drink to the point of passing out. This “drinking culture “continues through the mandatory two year service in the army for men whereby a few days break from military duties involves almost continuous drinking sessions with friends. It also continues when they join companies for employment. It is not uncommon for office workers to drink every night of the working week in the name of bonding and team development.
In Korea the evening is usually broken into stages or what is also called “Cha”. Stage one or (Il Cha) would be dinner with colleagues over a drinking session lasting a few hours. The second stage (e cha) would usually involve moving to a separate location and eating dishes of a different variety in combination with more beer or the local rice wine soju. The third stage (sam cha) might involve a visit to the local singing room for a few hours to belt out a few hits and continue the drinking session. This could even be followed by a dance at a club. Top level office managers might even go to another more well known stage here that involves drinking in very luxurious establishments indulging in whiskey and paying for the attention of young early to late twenties females. This part of the evening might set back the customers a few thousand dollars which is usually placed on the company credit card. This whole night if following this plan could wind up at about 4-6am. Then it’s time to head home to clean up and say hello to your wife and children then off to the office for a days work. This situation could occur 5-6 nights a week.
The importance of drinking culture cannot be underestimated in a society that values itself on relationships. Many business deals and networking opportunities are created at these sessions and team bonding is in full effect. I would say that most deals are brokered over these sessions rather than in the boardroom.
An interesting example of traditional Korean culture involves the amount of respect involved. Usually it is common for someone to pour you a drink and wait for you to finish it in one shot. You are then obliged to return the favor and pour the person a drink from the same class. Other interesting aspects include respect for your elders. If the person pouring you a drink is older you should hold your class with two hands, likewise if you are pouring for a person older than yourself. Also as you consume it is polite to turn to your side to drink not directly in front of them. You should always accept the first drink even if you are not thirsty. After this by turning your glass over you can refuse to drink but that might leave an uncomfortable feeling with your colleagues or friends.
In Korea alcohol varies from the regular domestic beers like Hite and Cass which retail for about $2 a can at a convenience store or $3 for a pint at a bar. Makgeolli which is a rice alcohol with a percentage of about 6-8%. Dong Dong Ju which is similar except you might see some rice floating at the top and it comes in a nice bowl or teapot. Finally Soju which is the killer of all drinks here. Although its alcohol content is only 16% to 40% I have yet to see any one conquer this drink as it has an amazing ability to wipe you out and lose your memory. Unbelievably this drink can be bought from the local store for about $2.
Korea was ranked 11th in the world for alcohol consumption in 2011. Actually in 2010 Koreans consumed on average 86 bottles of beer and 81 bottles of soju per person. When you put those numbers together with the population of close to 50,000,000 the numbers get crazy.
Enjoy that cold beer next time and in Korea we say Kombai or cheers!
Korea has changed alot since I wrote that article. Excessive drinking is still present but not as much as before. These days my consumption is way down as a night out might result in 2-3 days wishing I never drank. Funny when you can look back on your younger memories.
Stay tuned for another installment on Korean life in the next newsletter.
Step by Step
As I set the clock with less than a year to go before heading home questions arise. What will I do when I go home? What skills do I have? What do I want to do for a living? After a lot of thought and consideration my instinct tells me to look at something that will give me financial freedom. Take away responsibility to others and onto myself. Planning for the next twenty year cycle if possible. Before I arrive home I need the following
A business plan
Financial goals for the future
I have a couple of plans ready to roll but an essential component is to bounce your ideas off people. This will help you to make sure that you have all the bases covered. It may affect your pride initially to be questioned and critiqued but its all part of the development process and in the long run most beneficial.
I will update in future episodes an outline on these areas and how I reached them.
Presently. I’m mapping out the next year, eighteen months, five years, ten years and so forth. One thing I learnt from my interest in economic success stories and military achievements is strategy. Prepare a strategy that you can see all aspects of and attack it from every angle 24 hours a day. Find the faults, find the parts you can’t answer. Find faults in your strategy until there are no more. Live it and breathe it 24/7 until you achieve it.
As a child I’m sure you would look at the sky and wonder where does it end? What are the limits of the sky? Oneday you realize there are no limits it seems to go forever. This kind of thinking we once had seems to disappear as we grow up, get jobs, have families and do the daily grind. We also place internal restrictions on ourselves doubting what can be achieved.
From my interest in military history and the victorious one thing I noticed was a concept I would like to call “the endless sky”. The victorious had a mindset that resulted in them seeing the battlefield, the campaign, the short term, long term strategy as limitless. Under pressure from advisors, from opposition pressure, supply restraints, they saw the situation and eventual victory as limitless or endless. There are a number of examples in history. Hannibal and his campaign across the Alps and into Rome in the second Punic war of 218-202 BCE with his army including elephants. Alexander and his campaign from 344 BC for the following 10 years eventually reaching India. These and many countless others are examples that saw life and advancement as “the endless sky”.
Today I would like to look at a specific example, the Mongol empire of the 13th and 14th centuries. This empire rose from the Mongolian Steppes around 1206 under Genghis Khan to the doorstep of Europe in 1294. Known for its brutal victories, lightening movement, and reshaping the entire continent. This empire clearly demonstrates '“the endless sky”. There were no limits to their advancement, no obstacles, no internal doubt. Just sheer perseverance and will.
Everyday we face issues, problems, internal doubt. We have dreams and hopes. When we were young we had “the endless sky” mentality. Many of us lost that way of thinking. Why? Has that drive gone permanently? Can it be retrieved? The answer to this is a resounding yes. Conquering an empire and moving across great distances might not resonate to us on a daily individual level. However, we are trying to conquer our own empires on a daily basis whether they are big or small, internally or externally. We only need to look back to the past for inspiration. What was achieved before can be achieved again. Small steps can lead to big steps and eventually you can also conquer your empire.
This weeks recommendations
1) Soju (Korean rice wine). Just be ready to lose your memories.^^
2) Kings and Generals: A brilliant YouTube channel that seems unrivalled in discussing military history.
3) Hardcore history - Episode 43 - Wrath of the Khans I, Dan Carlin. (Oustanding stories of the Mongols.)
Feel free to engage in the conversation below
1) Your experiences with Korean alcohol.
2) Your thoughts regarding “the endless sky”.
3) Further information or facts regarding the Mongol expansion.
“Feed you focus, starve your distractions.”