The saying time flies when your having fun can aptly fit my time in South Korea. It seems like a blur or a few years here. However, its suddenly two decades. I can still remember my first day in South Korea and eating Korean food for the first time.
As I release further extracts from my series of letters from nearly 10 years ago. I recall writing about that day.
Here are my thoughts from 2012-2013
What is it like to live in a country of 50,000,000? To wake up each morning in a sprawling metropolis and one of the world’s biggest cities numbering 12,000,000 people? An unbelievable 17,000 people per square kilometer in a city that has the highest population density in the OECD. Eight times the population density of New York. In comparison, the Cook Islands has an estimated 83 people per square kilometer. It’s hard to imagine 17,000 people per square kilometer but it exists in this city.
To wake up each morning surrounded by these numbers takes some getting used to. On my arrival over twelve years ago it left me a little more speechless than it does today. However, that wasn’t the only reason I was speechless as I had no idea as regards the language, food or culture of this place called South Korea.
Twelve years ago as I completed the interview process with the recruiter the final question he asked was when are you ready to go? Maybe the youthfulness in me or that exploring Polynesian made me respond with “as soon as possible.” Within a week I was on a plane to this country far away called South Korea. There began a journey which twelve years later still has me residing in South Korea and making it my home away from home.
By answering the question from the recruiter I suddenly realized the leap I had made and also more than a few important points
1) Where is Korea?
2) How am I going to explain to my family (especially my parents) and friends that I’m off in a week to a country in Asia where everyone thought was a war zone.
South Korea is located in what is termed North-East Asia between China and Japan. Actually, it takes about 90 minutes to fly to Japan and about two hours to fly to China. Divided between the communist North and democratically controlled South it is now one of the major players in automobiles, electronics, and super fast internet services.
Explaining the idea of going to a far off country that I had no knowledge of is naturally hard for parents but thankfully my parents reluctantly gave their support as they always had.
After a 16 hour flight from Wellington-Sydney-Brisbane-Seoul (never again!). With memories of Island food in Wellington quickly fading. A combination of hunger and Polynesian curiosity caused me to seek out some of the local delicacies by myself. After about fifteen minutes of walking and not understanding any signs, sounds, or smells I noticed what appeared to be some kind of BBQ restaurant.
Upon entering there was complete silence as I later came to realize that I was the first foreigner that had ever entered this particular restaurant. With hunger in my stomach I looked around and took in the sights and sounds of the Korean BBQ complete with vegetables and plates upon plates of marinated beef or pork.
As the waitress approached I had no idea what to say or what to order so as she said what must have been “What would you like?” I simply pointed to a table next to me that had six people happily dining away with what seemed to be a more than hearty amount of marinated beef and pork. After a few seconds of looking at me with a look of “Are you sure?” She returned and began to bring out dishes for the next twenty minutes which I finally realized were in fact for six people.
Unable to communicate and explain to her my mistake I gave up and enjoyed my first Korean meal or should I say six meals. Not as good as Island food but it did the trick on my first day and still provides a laugh now and again.
A side note, Korean BBQ’s allow the customers to actually cook the meals themselves which is an added bonus to all budding chefs out there and enhances the experience.
Next time I’ll talk about how the Korean people are descended from tigers and bears. Also why Koreans feel garlic can change your identity
Arminius & the destruction of the legions
In life some people like to take risks. Could be something small or it could be on a gigantic scale. Life might be so simple without risks but where is the fun? There are many games of risk. One of the most popular is poker. The game of poker seems like a simple game of cards whereby players try to defeat others by having a superior hand. However, the secret to poker is not the cards rather its the ability to read the other players and look for emotions, habits, or what poker players call “tells”. During the game its imperative not to reveal your hand or what you actually don’t have.
This week I will discuss the story of Arminius and his ability to play “life” poker and hold his hand until the right time.
One of the most famous Roman engagements was the Battle of the Teutoburg forest in 9AD. This forest located in modern day Germany goes down as the scene of absolute destruction for the mighty Roman empire and one of its greatest defeats. In summary, a Roman army consisting of 15,000 - 20,000 soldiers was led into an ambush by a collection of Germanic tribes. Over a three day battle no mercy was given and the entire Roman force under Govenor Varus was cutdown. What led to this defeat? How could 3 legions easily get wiped from the earth and into history?
The main reason belongs to a man named Arminius.
At this point in time the empire had reached epic proportions. From Syria and Egypt in the east to modern day Portugal in the west. The Romans under emperor Augustus now looked towards putting the Germanic tribes firmly under their control. The Germanic tribes were a fierce people that were resistant to change and fought with great bravery and valour. Against the Romans and consistently amongst themselves. If you watched any documentary or movie involving the conflict between these groups you will have a lasting impression. The first ten minutes of the movie Gladiator comes to mind for its sheer brutality and impressive Russell Crowe speeches in his deep Santa voice.
I told you to move those catapaults foreward. They're out of range. Maximus: Range is good.
As mentioned earlier this lesson centers around a man named Arminius. Armininius was the son of a Germanic chieftain and was taken to Rome as a child as part of the tribute for a previous Roman victory. With his brother he was raised with nobility and taught the Roman way of life. They even served in the legions and rose up through the ranks. Arminius eventually became a trusted advisor to the governor Publius Quinctilius Varus. Although he grew up in the Roman way of life Arminius still remembered his Germanic heritage and how the Romans were suppressing them. As an outbreak amongst some of the Germanic tribes began 7AD - 9AD he was given the full trust of Varus and was ordered to continue negotiations with the Germanic leaders and try to bring them under Roman control peacefully. However, Arminius was playing his cards very tight and in fact was setting up a trap for the Roman legions. One that is still discussed today in millitary schools and movies.
In the Fall of 9AD it was reported to Varus that an uprising was underway whereby some Germanic tribes had joined together and were rising up against Roman authority. This was what we would call today “fake news”. Arminius had created these reports to entice the legions. There were some sporadic oubreaks but the threat was exagerrated. Governor Varus sensing an opportunity to gain glory wanted to put this revolt down. Arminius suggested they take the army on a route through the Teutoberg forest and Varus blindly followed his advice. Even when doubts were raised about a possible trap. In addition, Arminius somehow managed to convince him to let him go and gather more troops from the Germanic allies to support this campaign. Varus was blinded by his vision of glory and faith in Arminius. Arminius had other plans as he gathered his forces into a planned ambush that awaited the Roman army.
The trap had been set by Arminius. Trained in Roman millitary tactics he was well aware that engaging the legions head on would result in defeat. However, by forcing them to march in a long line through a dense forest would prevent them utilizing their great millitary strengths. The above picture is the forest today covered in fog with narrow tracks. Estimates of this Roman line range from 15kms - 20kms long. Imagine standing at the front of a line of this length. There is no way to know what is happening down the line. With the narrow track purposely created by the tribes to force the Romans to march where they wanted. Arminius even cut off the normal path forcing the Romans to march into a death trap. It was a recipe for disaster. The length cut off all communication from the front and rear of the column. By seperating the army into groups it would allow the destruction piece by piece thus negating Roman strengths of communication and precision.
Arminius played his poker hand well. The Romans over 3 days were decisvely cut down. With no escape or chance of victory senior leaders including Varus committed suicide leaving the legions to fend for repeated attacks without sufficient leadership. Those that survived were enslaved or ceremoniously sacrificed and cooked in pots. It was such an epic defeat that according to historian Suetonius, emperor Augustus walked around banging his head against the wall screaming
Quintili Vare, legiones redde! (Quintilius Varus, give me back my legions!)
What are the lessons we can take from this battle? What can we take from Arminius and his approach and utilize it in daily life? There are countless lessons from this battle but the one I would like to focus on is the ability to play poker in life. To hold your cards and not reveal everything. Learn about your enemy like Arminius did when he was young as he studied the Romans. Watch for the tells or emotions of your competitor. What does each one mean? How can we capitalize like Arminius did with Varus? What will this competitor do next? We can apply this lesson to daily life and look at any daily problem as a competitor or challenge. It could be anything simple form going to the supermarket, a work issue, dealing with a relationship problem, negotiating with the bank for financing, studying a business rival. This battle teaches us not to rush in. Hold your cards and play them when the opportunity arises. Just like the poker player Arminius did over 2000 years ago in the forests of Germany.
This quote from The Art of War explains poker the game and life “Poker”.
When able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.
Sun Tzu - The Art of War
This weeks recommendations
1) Korean BBQ: Eat till you drop.^^
2) Barbarians | Official Teaser | Netflix: A Netflix series based on Arminius. Interesting in that they speak German and Latin.
3) Arminius Hero of Germania, Traitor to Rome: Brief story on the background of Arminius.
4) The battle of Teutoberg forest: Excellent review of the battle.
5) For the Poker fans: All in with the big fish.
Feel free to engage in the conversation below
1) Your experiences with Korean BBQ.
2) Your thoughts regarding “Poker or “Life Poker”.
3) Further information or facts regarding Arminius and the Battle of Teuterberg forest.
“Feed your focus, starve your distractions.”
I remember the first time I had bulgogi, I didn't like it, it was too sweet, and I couldn't eat it.
I remember my first meal in Korea. Ordered bibimbap. The ajumma kept looking over as we began our meal. She came over, took my spoon and began to stir it up for me. Life lessons lol.