Why subscribe?
Hi, My name is Mata, Originally from New Zealand, I have spent the last 20 years in Seoul, South Korea. During my time in South Korea, I have been involved primarily in the education sector. Also established recruitment companies, consultation providers, and dabbled in import/export. After 20 years it’s time to go home and look at the next 20-year cycle.
After considering my options welcome to my newsletter.
A weekly newsletter that follows the journey from one of the most modern cities in the world to a tropical paradise.
This newsletter will cover two key areas.
Firstly, life in South Korea and its daily challenges. Next closing down one chapter of the book of life that is fully established and relocating to an island in the middle of the ocean. Building and designing a new self-sufficient house, setting up a number of businesses in order to achieve financial freedom, and finally, expanding into media.
Secondly, discuss and analyze key battles from history and take those lessons to improve your goal setting and daily life. Inspiring and outlining how historical events are still relevant to the modern world.
Don’t forget one week you will get an English Newsletter the following week you will get a Newsletter in Korean and so forth.^^
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